
Public Utilities Board Order 102/23 – Rates starting October 1, 2023, 2024 and 2025

Learn all about the water usage in Neepawa and the new water reservoir being constructed

The Town of Neepawa water treatment facility provides potable drinking water, sourced from three wells on the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer, to approximately 4500 residents and a number of business units. The Town of Neepawa complies with the Manitoba Drinking Water Safety Act regulations.
A copy of the 2021 Public Water System Annual Report can be found by clicking here.

Understanding your Water Meter:
Water meters are read by a drive-by remote frequency device every three months (quarterly) – March, June, September and December. Bills are sent out at the end of the quarterly reading month. The Town of Neepawa makes every effort to keep reading dates consistent so each quarter is based on a period of approximately 90 days.

Water meters contain a nutating disc measuring chamber, which means that unless water goes through the meter, consumption is not recorded.

If a meter malfunctions it will slow down or stop. Common issues with the remote frequency meters malfunctioning include a blockage due to sand/silt in the line (generally after hydrant flushing, or turning off in the home for repairs that stop the disc from moving) or a dead battery.

To read your meter you must shine a flashlight on the face of most of the meters to charge the reading panel. Please watch the short video below for a tutorial on how to read all of the models of meters used in the Town of Neepawa.

Learn how to read your water meter and check for leaks.

It is the responsibility of the homeowner to ensure their water meter is accessible to Town staff at all times. The area surrounding the meter should be free and clear of debris. Damage to water meters caused by negligence (or tampering with the pin and seal) will result in the homeowner being charged the replacement cost of the meter (starting at approximately $400).
If you notice an issue with your meter, you are to call the Town Office at 204-476-7600 as soon as possible.

Moving In or Out of Neepawa?
If you are moving into Neepawa; to a new home; or out of Neepawa it is your responsibility to inform the Town Office, a minimum of two working days prior to moving, so that a reading of the meter can be taken and a final bill generated. You must also inform the Town Office of any address changes.

Interested in E-Billing?
If you are interested in receiving your water bill by e-mail please send an email to neepawa@wcgwave.ca with your name, civic address and account number.

Understanding your water and sewer bill?
Having trouble understanding your water bill? Click here to view a sample bill with explanations.

How are water & sewer rates set?
The Town of Neepawa water and sewer rates are set by By-Law, which must first be approved by the Public Utilities Board of Manitoba by a stringent application process. This application process requires public be notified of any changes and allow opportunity for question and appeal.
The number of days allotted for payment, penalty amounts and disconnection notifications are all mandated through Public Utilities Board Order 39/09.


The Public Utilities Board approved Board Order 102/23 allowing Council to pass By-Law No. 3217-22 to increase the water and sewer rates for 2023 to 2025.
The following rates will be charged on all water consumed after October 1, 2023.

October 1, 2023
Commodity Rates – Per Cubic Metre Water Sewer Water & Sewer
First 450 C.M. Per Quarter $2.36 $1.42 $3.78
Over 450 C.M. Per Quarter $1.35 $1.42 $2.77
Minimum Charges, Quarterly
Meter Size (Inches) Group Capacity Ratio Minimum Quarterly Consumption Service Charge Water Sewer Minimum Quarterly Charges
5/8 1 14 $22.50 $33.04 $19.88 $75.42
3/4 2 27 $22.50 $63.72 $38.34 $124.57
1 4 55 $22.50 $129.80 $78.10 $230.38
1 1/2 10 140 $22.50 $330.40 $198.80 $551.70
2 25 341 $22.50 $804.76 $484.22 $1,311.48
3 45 614 $22.50 $1,283.40 $871.88 $2,177.78
4 90 1,227 $22.50 $2,110.95 $1,742.34 $3,875.79
6 170 2,319 $22.50 $3,585.15 $3,292.98 $6,900.63


October 1, 2024
Commodity Rates – Per Cubic Metre Water Sewer Water & Sewer
First 450 C.M. Per Quarter $2.39 $1.57 $3.96
Over 450 C.M. Per Quarter $1.37 $1.57 $2.94
Minimum Charges, Quarterly
Meter Size (Inches) Group Capacity Ratio Minimum Quarterly Consumption Service Charge Water Sewer Minimum Quarterly Charges
5/8 1 14 $23.00 $33.46 $21.98 $78.44
3/4 2 27 $23.00 $64.53 $42.39 $129.92
1 4 55 $23.00 $131.45 $86.35 $240.80
1 1/2 10 140 $23.00 $334.60 $219.80 $577.40
2 25 341 $23.00 $814.99 $535.37 $1,373.36
3 45 614 $23.00 $1,300.18 $963.98 $2,287.16
4 90 1,227 $23.00 $2,139.99 $1,926.39 $4,089.38
6 170 2,319 $23.00 $3,636.03 $3,640.83 $7,299.86


October 1, 2025
Commodity Rates – Per Cubic Metre Water Sewer Water & Sewer
First 450 C.M. Per Quarter $2.41 $1.61 $3.83
Over 450 C.M. Per Quarter $1.38 $1.61 $2.99
Minimum Charges, Quarterly
Meter Size (Inches) Group Capacity Ratio Minimum Quarterly Consumption Service Charge Water Sewer Minimum Quarterly Charges
5/8 1 14 $23.00 $33.74 $22.54 $79.28
3/4 2 27 $23.00 $65.07 $43.47 $131.54
1 4 55 $23.00 $132.55 $88.55 $244.10
1 1/2 10 140 $23.00 $337.40 $225.40 $585.80
2 25 341 $23.00 $821.81 $549.01 $1,393.82
3 45 614 $23.00 $1,310.82 $988.54 $2,322.36
4 90 1,227 $23.00 $2,156.76 $1,975.47 $4,155.23
6 170 2,319 $23.00 $3,663.72 $3,733.59 $7,420.31

What to do if you get a large water bill?

Take a look at your water meter. Shine a flashlight on the head of the meter to “wake it up.” If you see a tap symbol in the top left hand corner, you have a continuous leak. A flashing tap means an intermittent leak (not consistent).
To start checking for leaks within your home we recommend the following steps:

  1. Take a reading of your meter at night right before you go to bed and again first thing in the morning before anyone uses water. If the read has changed overnight, you know there is something leaking.
  2. Start identifying possible culprits – put food colouring in your toilet tanks and leaving it for ½ hour. If the colouring seeps into the bowl, you know it is your toilet. Check your water softener and all taps (inside and out).
  3. Check your ice maker or water dispenser on the fridge
  4. Check washing machine and dishwasher connections
  5. Check hot water heaters

If you still cannot find the problem you may need to contact a plumber.

Even a very small drip can cost you.  A typical home can lose 7600 litres to 76,000 litres (7.6 m3 to 76 m3) of water per year due to leaks.  A faucet dripping slowly at only one drop every two seconds will waste more than 3700 litres (3.7 m3) per year.  At $2.38 per cubic meter of water, a leaking toilet can increase your quarterly water bill by as little as $70 and sometimes up to $1500.

The water system is regulated by By-Law No. 3204-20

Who Is Responsible for the Infrastructure?
Damage to the shut-off valve (curb stop) by homeowners, or contractors on behalf of the homeowner, will be the financial responsibility of the homeowner.



Sanitary Sewer System
The Town of Neepawa Sanitary Sewer system is operated by a 3 cell lagoon.
Residents are reminded that the 3 P’s (pee, poo and paper) are the only items that should be flushed. Grease, band-aids, cleaning products, condoms, feminine hygiene products and any other items should NOT be flushed. There are many items (such as wipes) that claim to be flushable but are not. Damage to the sewer system and lagoons costs taxpayers thousands of unnecessary dollars each year.

What if I am experiencing frequent sewer backups?
Frequent sewer backups can indicate an issue with your private line.  If you are having problems with tree roots, it is likely time to renew your service lines. Many of the services are over 100 years old and were made with clay tile sewer pipe, butted together. Tree roots follow the path of least resistance and an old line is an easy way for the root to get moisture.
The Town of Neepawa offers a subsidized renewal program. Please contact the office for more information.
Residents can also purchase a battery powered “wet alarm” for their basements from a local hardware store. These are inexpensive devices that sit on your floor drain and send off a loud signal when water is detected.

Sewer Backup Prevention
Residents are strongly recommended to install a sewer backup value to ensure sewer backups do not enter their home (this is part of the construction code on new construction). It is also recommended that you have sewer backup insurance on your homeowner policy.