Business Licence

Business people (including transient traders, hawkers, those peddling or selling) who are not or whose business is not located in the Town of Neepawa, RM of Rosedale or RM of North Cypress-Langford must register with the Town of Neepawa and pay a $200 yearly business fee.

Licenses are for the calendar year and expire on December 31, regardless of what month they were purchased.

Lottery License

Reminder:  You MUST complete the Reporting Form following your Lottery.  Click HERE for a fillable form.

Under The Liquor and Gaming Control Act, the Town of Neepawa is authorized to license charitable and religious organizations, located within the Town of Neepawa, for merchandise raffles, 50/50’s, sports drafts, and/or other raffles with a total prize value not exceeding $3000. Chase the Card raffles, Poker raffles and electronic raffles require licensing direction from LGA.

A lottery license is required if there is a cost to enter or play, a chance to win, and a prize

For further information:

Contact the Town Office: Ph. 204-476-7600 or

**If you have been issued a Lottery License from the Town of Neepawa it is your responsibility to ensure that all financial statements are completed and returned. Failure to do so may affect future licenses being issued to your organization. 

Parks Use Permit

Prior to any function or event to be held in or on any Town of Neepawa park or street, a Parks Use Permit application must be filed and approved. Rotary Park (Park Lake) is day use only. Costs may be applicable as follows and certain permits may require the user to obtain Outside User Liability Insurance (included with the application form).